Occupational health care

We perform the occupational health screenings and issue the special health card through our countywide medical network. Company doctor for newly joined employees and on an annual basis both for lower and higher headcount.

Obligatory visual test

Obligatory visual test for the employees who are working in front of the screen both in our locations in Budapest and at our clients’ site with no drop-off fees.

Manager screenings

Organized manager screenings at the same location and time within a couple of hours. The certain types of screenings can be chosen in packages recommended by our doctors or you can compile your own package individually.

Egészségügyi szolgáltatásaink

Fogászati szűrés

Fogaink egészsége nem csak esztétikai szempontból fontos, de kihat étkezésünkre és szervezetünk egészségére is. A mindennapi életben is okozhat problémát, így érdemes időszakonként megnézetni szakemberrel.


A vizsgálati eredmények alapvető információt nyújtanak szerveink működéséről, anyagcsere funkcióinkról, immunrendszerünk állapotáról, de segítségünkre lehet a betegségek korai diagnosztizálásánál, információt nyújt folyamatban lévő kezelés állapotáról, illetve a máj- és vesefunkción keresztül gyógyszeres kezelés mellékhatásairól..

Terheléses EKG

A terheléses EKG vizsgálat során a szív koszorúereit vizsgáljuk, egészen pontosan azt, hogy a szív koszorúerei képesek-e fokozott oxigénigény mellett (fizikai terhelés) elegendő oxigént szállítani a szívizomnak és hogy az oxigénhiányra miként reagál a szívizom. A vizsgálatot kerékpáron végezzük a terhelés folyamatos emelésével.

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Az Ő egészségükre is mi vigyázunk:

Pácienseink az alábbi kérdésekkel fordultak hozzánk:

An average health check takes 8-10 minutes. The difference is usually coming from the length of recording the medical history. The schedule is done in 10 minutes intervals by us or the competent colleague of the client, upon agreement.

The company doctor indentifies the patient, records his/her medical history about the probable health complaints and surgeries. Following an internal medicine by touch, the doctor measures the patient’s blood pressure and pulse, then makes a visual acuity and a color vision test with the Kettesy board and the color vision booklet or boards. Hereby, we call your attention that the different work positions can require additional types of medical tests (that is why we are saying it is the general case) and the company doctor can order further check-ups by a specialist.

Due to the fact that the employment of an individual, who is capable to perform the tasks of the position, is the responsibility of the employer, therefore it is the liability of the employer to take care of ensuring the regular occupational medical check for the employees for free of charge.

For issuing the special health card, the patient must take a lung screening result at the health check with himself, which is not older than one year. This document is not necessary at a general occupational health check.

In general, the employees must have the special health card, who are working in medical institutions, baby and child care, catering, food industry – including production, treatment and distribution as well -, livestock farming, drinking water supply, pharmaceutical industry and all the employees who are working in the production, processing and packaging of herbs, herb extracts, and all other materials not classified to food products, which can be absorbed to human organism or can got touched with it (cosmetics, medicinal water, mineral water, food supplements, etc.).

Several laws relate to this question. Basically, the Act XCIII of 1993 on Labor Safety says that the employer must ensure the regular occupational health service for the employees. The service itself is detailed in the Governmental Decree No. 89/1995 (14 July), this includes also the classification conditions to health categories.

Yes, you do need. Those employees who are working more than for hours per a day in front of the screen are obliged to participate in an obligatory visual test on two-yearly basis. Similar to the occupational health screening, having this certification is also the responsibility of the employer, which can be also checked by the labour authorities.

Before the examination, these employees fulfil an Enlish language form for recording their medical history, probable medical complaints, with this for they makes a declaration about their medical status. This form is often used in Hungarian as well for protecting the employer.